Gundam's remarkably fun model battle spin-off returns October 8th with the sequel Gundam Build Fighters Try. The new series revolves around three-person teams and one of the heroes is Yūma Kousaka (voiced by Yūma Uchida), younger brother of the first season's support character China. While his main mech is the Lighting Gundam, he also has a newly revealed custom "Bearguy F," ('F' as in family) a unique spin on his sister's fan favorite.
Now, is the cub just being cute or is it a secret weapon?!
Another legacy character is Kouroko Sazaki, the no-longer-so-little sister of season 1 minor antagonist Susumu Sazaki. She still worships her big brother and, along with Zeon-cosplaying Team "Vase of the Northern Song Dynasty" brings a custom R-GyaGya to the battle.
Teammates from Odessa Academy include Mahiru Shigure, who has always attended all-girls school and has weird ideas about boys, and net addict Keiko Sano.
Other newly previewed mecha include the Ez-SR Intruder, Ez-SR Eliminator and Ez-SR Shadow Phantom
Also newly introduced are the Seiho Academy's Plamo Club's Daiki Miyaga and Eri Shinoda, who attempt to recreate lead Fumina Hoshino away from the Gunpla Battle Club
The series will be streaming on platforms including Gundam Info, Docomo Anime, Video Pass and Hulu.
In less positive news, while the beloved Ral-san is slated to be featured in the anime, the series site has posted that 66 year voice actor Masahiro Hirose has had to be admitted to the hospital for an extended stay and wished him well in recovery.